Why INFJs Have Trust Issues

INFJs are one of the most complex personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. These individuals are known for their empathic and intuitive nature, their ability to understand and connect with people, and their dedication to helping others. However, they also have a reputation for being private, guarded, and inherently having trust issues. Below, we’ll take a deep dive into some of the reasons why INFJs have trust issues and what they can do to overcome them.

What Is An INFJ?

Before we delve into why INFJs have trust issues, let's first understand what an INFJ is. INFJ is one of the sixteen existing personality types identified by the MBTI. It stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. INFJs are introverted, meaning that they derive their energy from within and are often perceived as reserved or quiet. They are intuitive, which means that they rely on their gut feelings and inner knowledge to make decisions.

INFJs are also feeling types, which means that they prioritize emotions and values over logic and reason. Finally, they are judging types, which means that they prefer structure and order, and they like to plan and organize their lives.

Those with this personality type are often described as complex, empathic, and idealistic. They are driven by their desire to help others and make the world a better place. They are typically natural counselors, and have a deep understanding of human nature. INFJs are also known for their strong values and their commitment to authenticity, integrity, and honesty.

Why INFJs Have Trust Issues

Despite their empathic and intuitive nature, INFJs do commonly struggle with trust issues. There are four main aspects that contribute to this.

1. INFJs Are Private

INFJs are private individuals who do not easily share their thoughts and feelings with others. They are often perceived as mysterious and enigmatic, which can make it difficult for others to understand them. This can also make it difficult for them to develop close relationships, as they are often perceived as aloof or distant. In many cases, they may simply be scared of sharing personal information as it opens the door for them to be either hurt or betrayed by others.

2. INFJs Are Idealistic

Those with this personality type have a strong sense of idealism and a desire to create a better world. This can make them vulnerable to disappointment and disillusionment when others fail to live up to their expectations. INFJs also have high standards for themselves and for others, and they can struggle to trust people who do not share their values or who act in ways that are contrary to their beliefs. If they had a past experience in which someone they love or trust let them down, they are not likely quick to forget it. This can hurt them in the long run as they hold on to this past negative experience.

3. INFJs Are Empathic

They are highly empathic individuals who are attuned to the emotions and needs of others. This can make them vulnerable to being taken advantage of, as they may be too quick to trust others and too willing to overlook red flags. They can struggle to set boundaries and to say no to people, which can make them vulnerable to being used or abused.

4. INFJs Have Been Hurt Before

INFJs are fairly sensitive individuals who can be deeply affected by emotional pain. They may have experienced betrayal, rejection, or hurt in the past, which can make it difficult for them to trust others in the future. In many cases, they may hold onto this pain for years to come. INFJs may also be wary of opening up to others, as they fear that they will be hurt again.

What INFJs Can Do To Overcome Trust Issues

If you are an INFJ who struggles with trust issues, you may find yourself frustrated at your lack of comfort with others. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to work on overcoming this and rebuilding your trust in the people around you.

1. Work On Developing Close Relationships

Although INFJs are private individuals, they need close relationships to thrive. To overcome trust issues, these individuals need to develop close relationships with people who share their values and who they feel comfortable opening up to. This may involve stepping out of your comfort zone and taking a risk by opening up to others. However, it is important to choose your confidants wisely and to set boundaries to protect yourself.

2. Practice Self-Care

INFJs can be so focused on helping others that they neglect their own needs. Practicing self-care is essential for them to build self-confidence and trust in themselves. This can include things like exercise, meditation, journaling, and pursuing hobbies or interests that bring joy and fulfillment. Having a deep sense of trust in themselves can help them gain confidence in their decision-making abilities, which will allow them to confidently trust others in the future.

3. Set Boundaries

INFJs may struggle with setting boundaries and saying no to others, which can leave them vulnerable to being taken advantage of. Setting boundaries is important for INFJs to protect themselves and their emotional well-being. This can involve saying no to requests that do not align with their values or priorities, or speaking up when someone violates their boundaries.

4. Challenge Negative Beliefs

INFJs may have negative beliefs about themselves or about others that can contribute to their trust issues. These beliefs may be rooted in past experiences or perceptions of the world. This can happen when past hurt is not properly healed. Challenging these negative beliefs and replacing them with positive ones can help INFJs build trust in themselves and in others.

5. Seek Therapy Or Support

Therapy or support from trusted friends or family members can be helpful for INFJs who struggle with trust issues. A therapist can help INFJs explore their past experiences and develop strategies for building trust in themselves and in others. Support from trusted loved ones can provide emotional support and validation that they need. There are apps and websites that can help you connect with others that experience the same challenges, which can allow you to simultaneously heal your trust issues and build strong relationships.


Despite the fact that INFJs are complex individuals who are highly empathic and intuitive, they do commonly struggle with trust issues. These trust issues may be rooted in their private nature, their idealism, their empathy, or past experiences of hurt or betrayal. However, by working on themselves and establishing strong relationships with others, they can overcome their trust issues and build fulfilling relationships.


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