Why Blogging is the Perfect Job for Introverts

It can be tough for some introverts to find a job they enjoy. Many professions involve being around others for the majority of the day with little to no alone time for peace and quiet.

But one profession that often gets overlooked is blogging. Don’t get swayed away by the lack of potential income. Many bloggers make a living from it. Plus, introverts tend to thrive with this job.

Continue reading and you’ll see why blogging may be a fantastic job choice for you.

The Pleasure of Working from Home

One of, if not the greatest part about being a blogger is the ability to work from home. Working remotely comes with a wide array of benefits including:

• No long commutes or dealing with traffic.

• Less time spent in the mornings getting ready for the workday.

• Doing work from the comfort of anywhere with an internet connection instead of a stuffy, crowded office cubicle.

• Avoiding useless small talk.

• Better control of their time or work schedule.

All of these benefits blend well for the introvert like you, especially without the pressure of responding to messages, participating in group presentations or meetings, or reaching rushed deadlines. We share more details about how working from home is a great fit for introverts here.

Financial Well-Being

Even better, you will save money by working remotely as a blogger. Here are some of the ways:

Travel expenses: Without the commutes, that’s less money being put out for gas and less frequent routine maintenance. Most of your car use can be for errands and leisure activities instead. For those of you that take the bus, that means much less money towards bus passes and other public transportation fares. Mental Floss talks about how remote and hybrid workers save significantly more than their in-office colleagues.

Food: Lunch breaks are often not long enough; many people only get 30 minutes of a lunch break, meaning they have to order quick-to-make food in that time frame. By working from home, you can eat whatever food you have at home and not waste money ordering out.

Tax breaks: When it comes time to file for taxes, having a workspace at home comes in handy. As an employee, you can deduct expenses on your tax returns in some states. If you are self-employed you can deduct quite a bit of home related expenses that only pertain to business operations.

Your Great Writing Skills Get Put to Use

A strong skill that many introverts possess is writing. You likely have many thoughts in your head and vocalizing them may be difficult. That’s where writing comes in and how blogging makes a great career fit.

You can speak your mind through the written word, which is why writing (more specifically journaling) is a great skill. With that skill, you will make for a great blogger.

Knowing how to communicate ideas through the written word is one of the most sought after skills when applying to most jobs, according to FlexJobs.

Whether you are blogging for a company or developing your own blogging business, you get to use your creativity to convey information in a way that resonates with readers.

Some other skills that could develop or strengthen from pursuing blogging include the following…


Blogging is a role that allows you to tell a story. You can invite readers into the world of whatever topic is being discussed. And throughout, your job is to keep the readers engaged. Blogging tells a story, but copywriting convinces readers to perform a task.

Learning copywriting can help elevate your selling points in the job market or the revenue of your blogging business.


Regardless of how much information you have to write about, you’re going to need other facts to help support whatever claims you make. Random opinions from unqualified sources won’t help make for a strong claim. That’s why knowing how to research is essential.

Developing research skills demonstrates that you can find essential data or solutions to problems.

Editing and Proofreading

No one wants to read anything that’s too complicated to understand, poorly written, or has spelling and grammar issues. The work needs to flow smoothly as the reader progresses throughout the blog post.

The more you write blogs, the more you’ll check over your writing to ensure it’s simple to comprehend. You will get better at this by doing...

Plenty of Reading

A trait of a good writer is one who does a lot of reading. You learn more as you read and reading will show you areas for improvement in your writing, which translates to better editing. It’s a good thing most introverts love reading.

Reading --along with writing-- is a calming activity for introverts. You get to relax in the story you’re reading, potentially learn something new, and/or gain a new perspective on a topic.

Reading a lot is also great for introverts, not because you love it, but because the more you study a topic, the more of an expert in the topic you’ll become. So, when you blog, you will happily share information.

Doesn’t it sound awesome to get paid for doing something you already love to do and learn endless new things as you blog?

Peace and Solitude

Introverts won’t thrive in loud, overstimulating, over-sociable, or rushed environments. That’s the case for a decent majority of jobs out there. In these spaces, you might feel uncomfortable voicing yourself, have incomplete thoughts due to being under pressure, or get talked over.

Blogging is a job that saves you from all of that.

With blogging, you can work in complete calm silence. If you want, you can throw some instrumental music in the background, light a few candles, sip some tea, and do whatever aids your process.

Being in such a relaxed environment means you can focus on your work at your pace. The lack of peer or managerial pressure means your work will be well fleshed out from the start without gaps in the middle.

Plus, without the pressure from others, you are much less likely to feel burned out from the workload. You can just focus on whatever topic you’re writing on and have fun doing it.

Blogging: Where You Get Paid for Creativity

Introverts can’t be themselves in workspaces where there are a lot of people, in-person presentations, pressure, and loud overtalking. Blogging breaks you free from that realm and places you in a space that works to your best skill sets. And you’ll learn a lot along the way, whether it be a new skill or more knowledge.


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