When You Suspect an Introvert Likes You, Look For These Signs

When a person likes you, you might expect them to make it openly known. Whether they tell you or do something to make it obvious, you’ll usually know. However, introverts don’t always express their interest like that. In fact, it may be a little hard to tell when an introvert likes you. An introvert’s way of flirting or showing attraction is a lot different than that of an extrovert.

In this article, we will outline some of the signs to look out for to help you know if that introvert in your life likes you.

They’re Vulnerable

Introverts aren’t quick to open up to anyone. They keep a wall up and slowly let it down for someone they start feeling comfortable with.

Typically, this process will take some time. But if an introvert likes you, especially a super reserved one, they’ll be a little quicker to open up about themselves.

Generally, you’ll hear them share more about their personal lives, interests, or other deep topics that go well beyond surface-level conversations.

This is an introvert’s way of inviting you into their personal side, which they won’t usually do for others unless they’re already close to them.

They Spend More Time with You

One thing will always stay true about introverts: they need alone time. It’s their time to recharge, decompress after a long day, and find solitude. That alone time is precious and necessary.

But one way an introvert shows attraction and affection is if they invite you into their downtime. That alone time is so essential to an introvert that if you were asked into their space, you could speculate that they have some feelings for you, as it’s a significant gesture for an introvert.

Their Small Gestures Give You a Sign

Speaking of gestures, pay attention to the little things the introvert does.

If an introvert guy likes you, you’ll see him do things like opening the door for you, trying to make you laugh, or being quick to help you with something you are struggling with.

If an introvert girl likes you, she’ll step out of her comfort zone more often. Examples include sending you a message or call, being in places you tend to be (yes, she did her research, no, she’s not stalking), or laughing at your jokes.

No matter the gender, the reserved introvert will do something a little out of their character to get your attention and show attraction.

They Engage in Your Social Media

When an introvert has some downtime to themselves, there are many things they could be doing. They could be reading a book, writing in a journal, listening to music, or scrolling online.

They’ll also be scrolling on social media. However, they typically won’t interact with anyone while they’re on it. But if an introvert is crushing on you, check your notifications.

You’ll notice that they’ve been liking, hearting, or commenting on some of your posts and pictures. Introverts love social media because they can pick and choose who they talk to and when. They can also think out what they want to say.

They Seek Deep Conversation with You

If there’s one thing that introverts don’t care for, it's surface-level conversation. They see it as a waste of time, as you don’t really gain anything from these conversations, and you don’t get to know the person you’re talking to.

Introverts want to have meaningful discussions with people. And if an introvert likes you, they’ll seek that more often than usual.

Here are some ways an introvert who is crushing on you may try to converse with you:

  • Asking personal questions about your life

  • Sharing their interests in detail

  • Confessing something personal but small as a way of letting down their guard

  • Not wanting to end the conversation with you

  • Finding something they find interesting about you and rolling with it

You Notice an Increase in Physical Touch

Introverts are clearly more reserved in conversation with people. But they’re also reserved in physical contact. You won’t see them physically greeting someone beyond the typical handshake.

Stuff like that is a major invasion of their comfort zone, especially for the more reserved introvert. Warm embraces are normally saved for those they feel safe around or trust.

However, physical touch is a gesture that strongly indicates they might be flirting with you. You may notice them doing things like high fives, slightly frequent and quick side hugs, or more embracing hugs.

Pay attention to how affectionate they are and how often they show affection. These are two strong signs of their interest in you.

You Notice Unusual Behavior

When anyone is interested in you, they want to get to know you more. Extroverts are more likely to approach you to get to know you. Introverts might take some non-traditional approaches.

If one is already liking and commenting on your social media posts, they most likely have been “stalking” your profile to learn about you. Don’t be weirded out by this; it’s just some lighthearted research. So, if they seem like they know more about you than you think, be impressed, not creeped out.

Additionally, when they talk with you, you might notice they do odd things like stutter or blush.

You Get Asked to Hang Out Often

As we mentioned with the alone time thing, an introvert who uses their would-be alone time to be with you is one who likely has an interest in you. Not only will they ask to hang out with you, but they’ll also ask more often than usual.

There will be more opportunities to have deeper conversations, learn more about you, and try to have fun with you. For that alone time to be so sacred, an introvert that reduces that for more time with you is a special gesture.

How Should You React?

As you can see, nothing on this list is a direct or obvious sign that an introvert likes you. Unlike extroverts, many introverts just do certain things or show up more frequently in hopes that you get the hint that you like them.

So, if you suspect an introvert crush, here’s what you should do in response.

  • Show that their time is valuable: They don’t like wasted time. If an introvert dedicates a lot of their time to you, respect and appreciate it.

  • Be a little open: Small talk isn’t going to cut it. Even if you don’t feel comfortable being vulnerable just yet, allow space to pick each other’s brains. Give them a conversation that they can thrive in.

  • Notice the little things: Many of the stuff mentioned in this post can easily go unnoticed, especially for someone who doesn’t catch on to things. Say thank you, return similar gestures, or initiate a little contact when you notice an introvert doing little deeds for you.

  • Don’t make them feel uncomfortable: Nobody likes awkward moments. And an introvert who traded their alone time to be with you really doesn’t want to experience any while with you. Make them feel safe to be themselves around you.

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